Congratulations 2024 School Nurse of the Year: from Region 19, Grace Carbajal, RN!
Do you know a great school nurse? Share all this outstanding nurse does for students, faculty, and community by nominating that nurse for Texas School Nurse of the Year.
What makes a great school nurse? High expectations for ourselves and our students, the ability to actively listen, energy to go the extra mile, knowing when to ask for help and where to seek it out, and a creative slant.
Sound like someone you know? Nominate them for School Nurse of the Year! Detailed information about nomination submissions, selection criteria and process, and the terms and benefits of tenure can be FOUND HERE.
2024 School Nurse of the Year Nomination (Online Form)
* You'll notice the application has been considerably streamlined this year.
Nominees must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for the School Nurse of the Year Award.
- Nominee must be a Registered Nurse (RN) currently practicing in a TX school setting
- Nominee must be a member of NASN currently and for the two consecutive preceding years
- Nominee must have five years of experience as a school nurse and currently practicing full-time as a school nurse, with at least 50% of the nominee's time spent in direct care for multiple students.
- Nominee may not be on the TSNO Board of Directors or an officer for NASN at the time of nomination.
- DEADLINE for Nominations is August 15, 2024, at midnight
The following files must be submitted with the online form. TSNO recommends gathering all the necessary files prior to filling out the form.
- Nominee’s signed curriculum vitae (CV) limited to personal education, employment, research activities, service related to school nursing, and publications. CV not to exceed two pages.
- A minimum of two (with a maximum of four) letters of support describing the nominee’s specific qualifications for this award. At least one of the letters must be from a district professional. All other letters must be from a fellow school nurse, administrator, supervisor, educator, parent, or community leader. (single page using 12-point-font and one-inch margins in Microsoft Word)
- Recent digital head and shoulder photograph of nominee (at least 300 dpi/inch, JPG format). If nominee selected, photograph will be used in the TSNO Newsletter, on the website, and for social media posts and submitted to NASN for Affiliate SNOY Award.
- (This question is to be answered in the form, not as a separate document)
- Using NASN’s School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 4th edition (2022) as a guide, please provide two examples of how the nominee has demonstrated Excellence in School Nursing at the campus, district, or state level (maximum 300 words per example). Evidence of Excellence in School Nursing may include a situation where the nominee has exceeded expectations, how the nominee assessed needs and developed/implemented a program to improve the delivery of school nursing, scholarly activities (research, dissemination of research, presentations, publications), or other contributions to school nursing.
A list of the Standards of Practice can be FOUND HERE.
The award winner will receive recognition at the annual TSNO conference on November 3, 2024, (Embassy Suites Hotel - Frisco) and a scholarship for the registration fee for this year's TSNO conference. TSNO will also pay for up to two nights hotel fee at double-occupancy conference rate for the hotel listed in the conference brochure.
Travel and meals are the responsibility of the award recipient.
Previous Winners:
2024 |
Grace Carbajal |
19 |
2023 |
Dana Wood |
10 |
2022 |
Francis Luna |
12 |
2021 |
Michelle Douthitt |
20 |
2020 |
Patricia Adams |
13 |
2019 |
Leslie Shields |
10 |
2018 |
Miriam Carmichael |
19 |
2017 |
Martha Anderson |
14 |
2016 |
Angela Hageman |
10 |
2015 |
Aida Salazar |
19 |
2014 |
Karen Adams |
4 |
2013 |
Judith Grace |
10 |
2012 |
Katherine Johnson |
10 |
2011 |
Dotti Lindner |
20 |
2010 |
Juanita Valdez |
18 |
2009 |
Sherry Freeland |
10 |
2009 |
Christina Maxwell |
19 |
2008 |
Elaine Vassar Olivera |
20 |
2007 |
Robin L. Harvel |
20 |
2006 |
Nancy Haegele |
19 |
2005 |
Kathy Zimmerman |
20 |
2004 |
Michelle Fernandez |
19 |
2003 |
Kathy Powell |
10 |