Please click here to access the TSNO Back-To-School Outreach Toolkit file containing a variety of resources to help you promote vaccine efforts in your district. Feel free to use these resources as you see fit, including the press release and vaccine clinic templates. Simply download the item and make changes that suit your needs.
The Back-To-School Toolkit includes the following:
- Template back to School Clinic Flyer
- Template News Release
- Social Media Images and Messaging Guide
- School Requirements (ENG and SPAN)
- Reminder Cards for Childcare and K-12
- Back to School Immunizations FAQ
- Back to School Immunizations Info
- Pre-K and Child-Care Facilities Required Vaccines Educational Flyer
Additionally, DSHS has an online print catalog where you can order FREE print materials about immunizations and much more that you can order individually or in bulk. Materials in the catalog are always free unless expedited shipping is requested.
Additional Resources:
CDC Catch-up Immunization Schedule
ImmTrac Texas Immunization Registry
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Resources
The Forgotten Story
Know HPV
Middle School Health Starts Here
National HPV Roundtable
American Cancer Society
Voices of Meningitis (VOM)
VOM is a meningococcal disease prevention campaign from the National Association of School Nurses in collaboration with Sanofi Pasteur.
Go to for a video library, educational resources and more.