
Committees help steer the ship - join us at the steering wheel! TSNO's success depends on the efforts of its members. Working within a committee helps advance the mission of TSNO and strengthen the practice of school nursing in Texas. 


Our Bylaws and Operating Guidelines determine what committees we will have, and they're broken down according to their membership. Internal Committees have a membership structure that includes Board members, with some of them also including a non-board TSNO member. These include the Executive Committee (our elected officers), the Finance Committee, Conference Planning and Professional Development Committees, and the Scholarship Committee. 

Our External Committees rely on membership support to be successful. All External Committees are chaired by one of our Board members, with the exception of the Nominations Committee. Each committee chair determines meeting frequency and times, and you'll use those meetings to come up with a game plan. The time commitment is small and the impact is huge! Your input is valuable in letting us know what your area needs. Please see the details below with each committee's role, 

External Committees

Advocacy Committee 

Chair - Irene Rosales, Region 1

The Advocacy Committee helps shape the legislative agenda and weighs in on regulatory positions and actions. Committee members will meet at least once during the legislative session to receive updates from the Chair and the Lobbyist. They'll help share information with our members when action items arise. It's great to also provide written or in-person testimony during the Legislative session to help persuade lawmakers to support bills that advance our mission.

Member Services
Chair - Britni Hunt, Region 15

The Member Services Committee helps TSNO address the needs of our members using data from membership reports. They also support the Executive Director with membership renewal and recruitment efforts. The Member Services Committee consults with the Public Communications Committee for social media and email outreach.

Nominations Committee
Chair - Monica Porras, Region 15

The Nominations Committee solicits candidates for Board positions and conducts annual Board elections. They ensure deadlines are met, gather relevant information from candidates, and collaborate with the Executive Director and Public Communications Committees to promote elections.

Bylaws Committee
Chair - Christine Beck, Region 20

The Bylaws Committee works in consultation with the TSNO Board and makes recommendations for changes and updates. Committee members will examine and consider the implications of Bylaws changes and help draft proposed amendments. If no Bylaws changes are being recommended for the current year, the Bylaws Committee will assist other committees as needed.

School Health Issues Committee
Chair - Amy Huey, Region 10

The School Health Issues Committee makes decisions regarding the content of toolkits, resources, and other deliverables to be created for our members. They may work directly with the Executive Director to create practice toolkits as needed for review and approval of the Board. During 2025-2026, the School Health Issues Committee will assist the Public Communications Committee with a review and update of TSNO's website.

Public Communications Committee
Chair - Misty VanCampen, Region 11

The Public Communications Committee will create a calendar of relevant commemorative days or months to be promoted using social media, emails, and newsletters. They will help solicit newsletter information from their Regional members and submit content. The Public Communications Committee will assist with the development of the Newsletter by submitting information and reviewing draft copies. 


Regional Presidents Coordinator
Denise Petherbridge - Region 13